Hosted Stuff



The calendars (two different layouts) combine overview of events with easy online management.

Interactive environment, using javascript or iframe/new window, delete unvanted posts, guest books, tag walls Chat Board
The chat board (guest book/tag wall) allows users to post greetings. Administrator access included.


form mail, gather data, data transmission, e-mail, email, customizable, developer tool, help tool, multiple receivers Form Mail
The FormMail gathers data submitted at your site and then e-mail it to an e-mail address.

Online Discussions

no programming, multiple user levels (administrator, moderator, user, guest), restrict access, several language packs Forum
The discussion forum give you an advanced but hosted forum. Multiple user levels. Great overview.

Online Real-Time Irc Chat

online discussions, web chat, chat from remote, connect through your website, connected to IRC networks, fits into your site, no need for IRC syntax, based on JAVA applet, HostedStuff hosts the applet, irc-chat IRC web chat
The IRC chat allows your visitors to connect to an IRC channel without any program installed.

Unique (and unlimited number of) Login Pairs

individual logins only encrypted information, almost bulletproof, customise design to fit at your page Login System

The login system is almost bulletproof and easy to install, customize, and use.

News LettersHosted Stuff

keep your users updated, easy list manager, several language packs, easy subscription, easy unsubscription, management of e-mails, customize the news letters, welcome text Mailing List The mailing list allows you to manage e-mail addresses and send news letters.

Manage And Submit News From Remote

multiple journalists, multiple editors, comment news system, online text editor tool, optional integration using javascript at your page News System
The news system allows multiple posters to submit news. Comment news system (optional).

Unlimited Answer Possibilities

quick polls/surveys/opinion checkers, customize/configure statistics, optional poll manipulator, define vote time, high security Poll
The poll system allows for surveys on your site. Customize layout to fit. Optional poll manipulator.

Unlimited Question Possibilities

quick polls/surveys/opinion checkers, customize/configure statistics, export results, setup survey, project survey Questionnaire
The questionnaire system allows you advanced services for business or educational purpose.

Flash Technology

interactive environment, little chat system, various widths available, online detection, different color layouts, shout box, web chat Shout Box
The chat is great for small conversations integrated in a menu or at its own page.


Real Time Statistics

charts, counter, number of visitors, browser type, screen resolution, java compatibility, cookie enabled, reliable, timeout Smart Counter
The counter provides real time statistics of visitors: Visits, IP, browser type, screen resolution …